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Monthly Muse

ft. Hayley Madison

Badass Boss Babe Hayley Madison spills her secrets on the lessons, needs & practices that have helped shape her multiple successful businesses, with the visions & day-to-day inspirations that keep her balanced, thriving & giving back in any way she can....

"As long as you wake up every day choosing to create your own path in life and your actions align... then you will always win in the end. "

Whats the most valuable lesson you’ve learned on your journey to creating your own path in life?

That success is choice. Always.

For me, my childhood was hard. Everyone I loved was suffering deeply from addiction, I was abandoned by the woman who was mean to show me how to become a woman, and I spent a lot of my youth in survival mode. It got to a point in my early 20s where I was living on my own, barely affording rent and my bills.

This is when I decided things needed to change. I needed to be the change.

I decided to take control of my success.
Moving forward how I lived my life became my choice.

I saw myself living in the jungle, deeply inlove with a man willing to build along side of me, and owning businesses that made a massive impact. I saw myself having the ability to provide my family with a beautiful life and to be a better woman than the one who abandoned me and change the path for generations to come.

I woke up choosing this reality. Every single day.

I made my choice to create my own life path through the actions I have taken and who I have chosen to be day after day after day for the last 6 years.

Present day as I wake up to a reality I once envisioned - in a beautiful home overlooking the jungle, with multiple thriving businesses, and a powerful man building alongside me - I feel so moved and proud of myself because I chose this. I worked hard for this. I fought for this.

So the biggest lesson I have learned is that success is choice.
It does not matter where you came from, as long as you wake up every day choosing to create your own path in life and your actions align... then you will always win in the end..

What were some of the breakthroughs and "aha" moments that really shifted the course for you? 

When I launched my first business as an empowerment coach 6 years ago, I was very much running solely from my feminine energy -- very inspired, creative & in flow. Which, if my business had been built to support this, would have been okay.

My experience though, looked like very inconsistent months in revenue and what felt like an endless loop of survival mode.I generated a level of success but I couldn't scale or grow it. My business did not have the capacity or foundation to hold it and truthfully, I did not feel confident in my ability to hold it.

It wasn't until I built a solid masculine foundation in that business did I truly experience freedom in my feminine fluidity as an entrepreneur.

"I never felt more liberated than knowing my business could support me and my vision. "

What realisations did you have as you shifted your direction to a more balanced approach at business?

A big shift I made was putting systems in my business that took a lot of manual work off of me to create more spaciousness.

I never felt more liberated than knowing my business could support me and my vision...

With the help of my now partner who I present day have multiple successful businesses with, I integrated organic strategies that allowed my business to scale consistently long-term and support me, and I learned how to truly sell in a way that felt aligned with my ethics and integrity.

All of this combined allowed me to step into my secure feminine expression while being supported by the masculine frame of my business.

So many people are leaning so far to one end of the spectrum. They're either so in their feminine without having a business foundation to hold them, or they're so deeply situated in their masculine that it kills the magic of magnetism and receptivity. Both create financial stagnation and businesses to implode.

We need balance. We need both masculine & feminine energies working in harmony to build an empire that is sustainable long-term and allows us to bring your bigger vision to life.

What is your biggest personal takeaway from this experience of finding inner/outer balance & building multiple thriving businesses?

That with a business that supports me,
I have so much spaciousness in my life.
With a business that supports me,
I am so secure to be in my creative and fluid expression.With a business that supports me,
I have so much stability from my consistently growing income."

As a woman in business, I have learned to balance both energies internally as well. While I am dominant in my feminine energy, I balance this with discipline and devotion. As much as I love the spaciousness and freedom I have created in my life, I am just as moved by the grinding and devotion that comes along with doing/getting things done.

"I am constantly evolving as a woman. I honor this.'

What is your biggest personal takeaway from this experience of finding inner/outer balance & building multiple thriving businesses?

I am constantly evolving as a woman. I honor this.
Purely in devotion to pleasure.

What I need on one day to support myself feeling grounded and radiant, most likely won't inspire me the next...

My biggest practice of all has never been to attach myself to any one specific routine or practice but to wake up every day and ask myself what self needs.

I give whatever that is to myself without judgment or attachment.

3 consistent daily non-negotiables for me are sun, movement, and time spent alone.

What I do in these spaces varies from the day-to-day but I cultivate the most radiance and aliveness through moving my body, being held by the sun, and taking a step back from the world outside to tune inward.

On a larger scale to keep myself centered - I feel the lifestyle I have consciously created for myself has the biggest impact in doing so.I believe in support deeply. I currently have a few mentors and work with both my psychotherapist and massage therapist weekly. I prepare all of my and my partners' meals homemade from organic and locally grown ingredients, and do not any products on my body I would not eat. We do not allow any chemicals in our home and keep the energy really peaceful in our home.

I also travel a lot to keep myself inspired.

 I love The Royal Codes because they are supporting women globally in tapping into their secure and divine feminine expression. Royal Codes really heightens the Queen in me. I feel it does for every woman who puts them on. When I wear them orI see another woman in them - I feel like we understand each other and the journey that led us each to these clothes It's hard to choose my favourite pieces but I would probably say the Cleopatra Skirt and I feel so sexy in the Calypso Bikini.

Hayley Madison

I was born in...

New Jersey, USA but have lived in Bali for 6 years.

I am most inspired by...
Powerful women taking control over their success.

My passion(s) in life right now is/are...
What moves me is helping entrepreneurs create more wealth and impact through the success of their businesses.

In this lifetime I hope to...
My long-term vision/lifes work is to build permaculture farms around the world that contribute to regenerative agriculture and reforestation.

The most amazing piece of advice I ever received was...
To forgive.

Something I’m passionately learning about right now is...
Beekeeping. I want to master this art before my partner and I buy our next acreage.

Something about me that not everyone would know is that...
When I first moved to Bali 6 years ago I helped build bamboo houses for orphans in exchange for housing. Only 6 years later am I living in a completely different reality and making an even greater impact than I ever could have thought possible for myself back then.

If I could share anything with the women in this community it would be...
To go after it. Whatever it is your soul keeps calling you to do. Stop overthinking it and follow the impulse.

If you feel inspired you can connect with Hayley at... @haleymadison on IG



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